Reimaging Discipleship for a Digital World.

Wholeness in a Infobese World.

  • Heart.

    Jesus talks about our hearts being an important aspect of our everyday emotions. As modern-day information affects our emotions, negatively and positively, how are we addressing our emotional well-being as followers of Jesus.

  • Soul.

    To Jesus, the soul, literally, is the VERY centre of who we are and how we funcion in our world today. Digital information, when not filtered through as followers of Jesus, can cause symptoms of infobesity. How well is your soul in a socials world?

  • Mind.

    When Jesus talks about our minds, He is speaking about our intellect. Our minds are sponges seeking and searching for truth, meaning, and purpose. We ar designed to experience, know, and communicate Truth. How can followers of Jesus live in Truth in a post-truth world?

  • Strength.

    We are creatures of habit and routine. We thrive when we are actively working with our hands and feet in purpose. In our modern-day digital distractions, how can we develop FOCUS in a world bombarded by digital distractions?

  • Relationships.

    We are designed for relationships. Even though modern-day technology has connected us like never before, the symptoms of the obesity of modern-day loneliness continue to rise. How can followers of Jesus practice the “One Another Commandments” of Jesus to combat modern-day loneliness?

Redeeming Digital Spaces.