“You are what you click.”

Infobesity the Book includes the latest research on digital information, how to develop personal well-being online, and ways to redeem digital spaces as followers of Jesus.

Infobesity: How to be followers of Jesus in an Information Overload World.

“The quality of the research on Infobesity is first-rate, showcasing a wide range of reading and a radar sense of where the luminous details are to be found. His writing style is lucid and fluid, and his concept of “infobesity,” which he developed in his doctoral work, and his attendant self-assessment tool will be a huge contribution to parents and pastors wishing to help their flock interact with social media and digital space with integrity and initiative without disservice to one’s identity as a disciple of Jesus.

The significance of Dr. Gabruch’s work is hard to underestimate. We are living in the midst of the third great media revolution. Only twice before in the history of the Roman alphabet was there this magnitude of shift in tools and delivery. First was when papyrus scrolls gave way to vellum books in the time of Jesus. Followers of Jesus were the first to make this shift. Second was the Gutenberg invention of movable type and the printing press. Followers of Jesus in the 15th century were the first to make this shift and use the printing press. We are living in the midst of the third revolution, and Dr. Gabruch’s book will help the church to catch up to where our ancestors were located---on the cutting edge of responsible media innovation.”

Leonard Sweet,

Emeritus Dean and E. Stanley Jones Professor at Drew University, Charles Wesley Professor of Doctoral Studies, Evangelical Seminar, Distinguished Doctoral Professor, NorthWind Seminary, and Professor of Doctoral Studies, George Fox University/Portland Seminary.

“I am pleased to work with Wipf + Publishing Group with Cascade Imprint to allow the work on Infobesity to be available to the wider Christian community.”

Andy Gabruch